Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey shares his Free Comic Bok Day experience.
I was filled with trepidation as Free Comic Book Day 2010 approached. After not even holding the event in 2009 because the 2008 turnout was so disappointing, I decided to try again. This was due mostly to the fact that I moved my store just six weeks prior to the event. I began running a new television ad which not only showed where the store had moved to, but also mentioned FCBD at the end. I also continuously emailed those on my list and sent out daily Facebook reminders on my store's page. We advertised a storewide sale on everything except new comics and held a raffle to win a gift certificate as well ($100). The end result was our second best FCBD ever -- only the very first one did better for us. I was thrilled to have seen so many new and returning faces and hope that some of them stay with us long enough to visit on FCBD 2011.
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'Decided to Try Again'
Posted by ICv2 on July 11, 2010 @ 11:00 pm CT