At the San Diego Comic-Con the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund unveiled a new Education and Outreach Initiative headed by Betty Rosenblatt, the CBLDF’s new Advisory Chair for Education and Outreach. Rosenblatt is the Director of the Center for Intellectual Property Law at
Rosenblatt explained why she is volunteering her time and expertise to help the CBLDF: “I’m volunteering for the CBLDF because I care about comics and I care about free speech. These freedoms should just happen naturally, but we know from experience that sometimes they don’t—they need help from organizations like the CBLDF, and I want to help. I know that there are a lot of people out there who, like me, care about the mission of the CBLDF— not just comics creators, publishers, and retailers, but everyone who reads comics and even those who don’t read comics but still understand the importance of living in a society with the freedom to express oneself, to create, and to read. Many of these people know about the CBLDF, what it does, and why it’s important, but many of them don’t—and that’s what the CBLDF’s outreach and education program aims to fix.”
Initial information about the CBLDF’s Education and Outreach program, which is designed to empower professionals, educators, and others to participate in its education work, is available at the CBLDF Website.