I read the Last Airbender manga before seeing the movie. To the book's credit it gave little indication of how wretched the movie upon which it is based would be. I think Roman, Wilgus and Choi did a great job given the source material of the film.
The only good thing that has come out of that unwatchable film is Roman and Choi's other manga tie-in, The Last Airbender Zuko's Story, a prequel to the film. While some of the likenesses are from the film this reads more like a lost episode of the excellent Nickelodeon series. Zuko's Story fills in the story of the Fire Nation prince from his banishment and scarring by his father to his first appearance in the movie and the series. A quick, fun read that captures the spirit of the show and expands the canon of Avatar more than M. Knight Shamalyan's hopefully quickly forgotten film.
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