In the wake of Comic-Con two comic professionals of different generations, Neal Adams and Andy Diggle, have signed with WME for representation in Tinseltown. Adams, of course, has a stable of properties owned by his company Continuity Studios that includes characters such as Knighthawk, Crazyman, Armor, Zero Patrol, and Ms. Mystic to name a few. Adams had previously been represented by another powerhouse agency ICM, so the change of agents is not necessarily a guarantee that any of the Continuity characters will find a home in other media.
Andy Diggle's Vertigo revamp of The Losers was recently turned into a movie with less than stellar box office results, though compared with the Jonah Hex movie, The Losers is Citizen Kane. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Diggle who is under an exclusive contract with Marvel until March, intends “to explore the creator-owned sphere” with some projects.