New Product Announcement (A Paid Advertisement): Titan Comics are proud to announce the November release of Tank Girl: Bad Wind Rising--available for orders now through the September issue of Previews magazine!

Tank Girl: Bad Wind Rising #1
Publisher: Titan Comics
Release Date: November 2010
Cover Price: $3.99
Writer: Alan Martin
Penciller/Inker: Rufus Dayglo
Format: 36-pgs.; Full-Color
Genre: Superhero

Bad Wind Rising, sees Tank Girl and her partner of 22 years, Booga the mutant kangaroo, calling it quits.  This is a story the whole nation is doomed to follow across twenty-four hour newsfeeds right up to the point when Tank Girl and Booga get sick of being followed by helicopters and shoot the news crews out of the sky.

This sad, tragic, heart-breaking story has been marketed by publisher, Titan, by releasing a viral spoof celeb/gossip magazine and a teaser trailer.

Tank Girl fans can keep up to date with news and announcements from the Bad Wind Rising Twitter.

Bad Wind Rising
The all-new Tank Girl comic from Titan.
On-sale November 9, 2010.

Pure Tank Girl.
Pure Genius.
Puerile Entertainment.