Andy Battaglia of Comics Etc. in Rochester, New York read Barry Branvold's comments regarding Day-Early Delivery (see "Barry Branvold of Barry's Collectors Corner on Day-Early Delivery") and had this to say.
Thank you Diamond for finally listening and giving us the books one day early. Not only did this avoid any weather related delays with Wednesday’s storm, but it enabled us to finally have a relaxing Wednesday, without all the stress that has typically been the case on new comic day. By the time we left on Tuesday, everything was laid out for morning sales, all special orders were pulled and all that was left was to pull the ongoing reserve lists on Wednesday. This is the best thing since sliced bread.
We too had a mid-afternoon visitor looking for the same titles mentioned by Barry Branvold. The woman quickly left when told those titles went on sale the following day. I just hope my fellow local retailers were also checked, as one of them was advertising the Walking Dead Vol. 13 TP on sale the day we received it from Diamond, rather than waiting to do so the following Tuesday as agreed to when signing the Diamond agreement. It probably isn’t so smart to publicize your own violations on your Facebook page, Mr. Competitor.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the vie of the editorial staff of
'Thank You Diamond'
Posted by ICv2 on January 13, 2011 @ 11:00 pm CT