The Spider-Man DVD is due November 1, and retailers across the country are planning for how they can tie into what could be the biggest DVD release of all time.  We've heard from a couple of pop culture retailers that are planning promotions, and they illustrate on different scales how this event can be played for promotional benefit despite the fact that the DVD itself is going to be sold cheaply and promoted heavily by the largest mass merchants in the country (see 'Marvel Mounts Wal-Mart Push with Spider-Man DVD'). 


Golden Apple Comics (on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles), one of the best-known pop culture stores in the country is planning what will probably be the biggest event by an independent retailer on Saturday, November 2.  It will include appearances by Spider-Man comic book artists John Romita Jr. and Scott Sava, and several technical people that worked on the bonus DVD features, as well as a trivia contest, giveaways, freebies, and swag.  Owner Bill Liebowitz is mounting a major PR push for the event.


On the other corner of the continent, retailer Calum Johnston of Strange Adventures Comic Bookshops in Halifax, Nova Scotia is planning a promotion that any retailer can do.  He's set up a promotion with a local Rogers video outlet so that people that buy their Spider-Man DVD at the Rogers outlet can bring their receipt into Strange Adventures for a free Spider-Man comic.  As part of the promotion, he's also given the Rogers store some Spider-Man items to give away as door prizes.  To avoid double-dipping, Strange Adventures will stamp the receipt as used once it's been redeemed at their store for the freebie.  This is a win-win for both retailers.  The video retailer gets to promote the fact that it's got something extra with the DVD, and Strange Adventures will see some new faces and associate itself with this major video event. 


These two examples show how different retailers, in different areas of North America, and with radically different access to celebrities are both making hay out of this DVD release.  And as Strange Adventures' plan illustrates, it's not even necessary to carry the DVD to create a promotional event.