Marvel has unveiled Steve McNiven’s cover for Fear Itself #2, the second issue of the seven-issue series from Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen that is the focal point of the Fear Itself crossover event. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and even Spider-Man (see “Spidey Gets His Own Fear Itself Series”) will have to take on the tide of terror that ripples through the Marvel Universe in the Fear Itself event that begins this spring.
The origins of this waking nightmare are revealed in Fear Itself: Book of the Skull #1 by Ed Brubaker and Scott Eaton. This crucial issue, which ships on March 16th, reveals how an age old secret forged by the Red Skull unleashes this potent wave of terror.
The first issue the core Fear Itself miniseries, which also features a cover by Steve McNiven, goes on sale on April 6th.