Marvel Comics, in collaboration with comics retailing organization ComicsPRO, has created a new variant cover edition of Fear Itself #1. The Fear Itself #1 ComicsPRO Variant features a stylish cover by Stuart Immonen that features the top heroes in the Marvel Universe---the very superheroes who are going to be challenged in a major way by the events of Fear Itself, which begin with the release of the first book of the core 7-issue Fear Itself miniseries written by Matt Fraction and illustrated by Stuart Immonen.
The standard edition of Fear Itself features a cover by Steve McNiven, who is also providing the cover image for Fear Itself #2 (see “Marvel Reveals 'Fear Itself' #2 Cover” and “Marvel Announces Summer Crossover”). Non-ComicsPRO retailers can order 1 copy of the variant, while ComicsPRO members can order up to 3 copies.