DC’s Green Lantern #62 topped ICv2’s chart of the Top 300 comics sold in February, but its total of 71, 517 was the lowest ever for #1 comic since ICv2 began keeping track of direct market sales back in 2001. Sales were hurt by a lack of major crossover events, and Batman Incorporated and Batman: The Dark Knight, two top Batman titles that didn’t ship in January either were also MIA in February. Sales of Green Lantern have been building nicely and recent issues have included preview stills from the Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds that debuts this summer.
DC’s Brightest Day titles keep chugging right along with minor declines in circulation. Marvel’s top title was Avengers #10, which was followed closely by Fantastic Four #588. Although FF #588 suffered a major decline from the “death” issue #587, which topped January sales, its 63,519 still represents a huge bump over #586’s 38,108. The second printing of #587 sold 23,398, which was good enough to come in at #77.
DC took the top three spots and six out of the top ten, but Marvel, with plenty of strength in the middle ranks, managed to get 16 of the top 25 and maintained its market share advantage. Marvel shipped four issues of Amazing Spider-Man including a .1 issue as well as .1 issues for Wolverine and Iron Man. The .1 issues provide a “jumping-on” spot for new readers while still maintaining the title’s continuity.
In keeping with the down trend, twenty of the top 25 titles were down with four books showing gains led by X-Men Legacy #245 up to 53,888 from 40,193 for #244.
Grant Morrison’s Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne Deluxe Hardcover topped the graphic novel list and with its $29.99 cover price accounted for twice as many dollars as the next high sales generating title, which was Mark Millar’s Nemesis Premium Hardcover at #5. The #2 title was Nick Spencer’s Morning Glories collection, which was available for an introductory price of $9.99. DC had four titles in the graphic novel top ten including Brian Wood’s DMZ Vol. 9, Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon’s Daytripper, and Jason Aaron’s Scalped.
Here are ICv2’s estimates of the sales by Diamond Comic Distributors to comic stores on the top 25 comic titles in February, 2011:
71,587 Green Lantern #62
71,063 Brightest Day #19
69,729 Brightest Day #20
63,924 Avengers #10
63,529 Fantastic Four #588
60,914 New Avengers #9
60,642 Batman & Robin #20
58,803 Batman #707
55,980 Flash #9 (Flashpoint)
55,283 Amazing Spider-Man #654.1
53,888 X-Men Legacy #245
53,882 Amazing Spider-Man #654
53,834 Uncanny X-Men #533
53,366 Amazing Spider-Man #655
53,103 Amazing Spider-Man #653
52,770 Green Lantern Corps #57
51,470 Uncanny X-Force #5
49,717 Secret Avengers #10
49,522 X-Men #8
49,360 Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #1
46,269 Justice League of America #54
45,932 Wolverine #6
44,828 Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #7
44,332 Wolverine #5.1
44,326 Astonishing X-Men #36
For an analysis of the dollar trends in February, see "The Long Tail Wags the Comics Dog in Feb."
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through February 2011, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."