Marvel is attempting to breathe a little life into its zombie franchise with an adaptation by Jim McCann of Charles Dicken’s Victorian classic A Christmas Carol. McCann claims that he’s not going for the easy “camp” effect of thrusting zombies into a popular story (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), but is attempting to create a true Victorian horror story, and it appears from David Baldeon’s images Marvel has released that this might be a more interesting project than it would appear at first glance.
McCann’s narrative teaser for Marvel Zombies Christmas Carol asks the question can Scrooge, a man who has never known happiness, make it back from Christmas past in time to see what the Hungry Death has done to the present and future? 
Michael Kaluta provides the cover to the first $3.99 issue of this five-issue mini-series that debuts on May 4th. The spring bow should allow Marvel time to collect the entire series in time for the Q4 holiday season.