Lone Wolf & Cub has returned to Japanese TV with a new live action series featuring Kinya Kitaoji as the awesome swordsman Ogami Itto, and three-year-old Tsubasa Kobayashi as Itto's son Daigoro.  The new series, which is being broadcast in a widescreen format, includes some minor changes from the original manga series in the interests of greater historical accuracy.


In addition to the original manga series by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima, which is currently selling big numbers for Dark Horse Comics, the Lone Wolf saga is also available in the U.S. via video versions of the long running series of Lone Wolf & Cub live action feature films, produced for the American market by Animeigo.  Animeigo is in the process of putting this action-packed samurai series out on DVD, with releases of the first two volumes in the series currently slated for February and March of 2003.