Moonstone Books is launching a new Buckaroo Banzai comic book series written by Buckaroo Banzai creator Earl Mac Rauch. Everybody’s favorite rock star, neurosurgeon, physicist, adventurer is back with his crew (a k a the Hong Kong Cavaliers). From 2006-2009 Moonstone published a number of Buckaroo Banzai miniseries such as Return of the Screw, A Christmas Corrall, and Of Hunan Bondage depicting the earlier (and further) adventures of the charismatic hero of W.D. Richter’s 1984 film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
Rauch’s latest Buckaroo saga that launches from Moonstone in July is Tears of a Clone. The 32-page, full color comic, which is rated “PG-13,” will have a cover price of $3.99. The book features art by David Dazu with covers by Paul Gulacy (80%) and Bill Wiist (20%). Retailers who buy 4 or more copies and get one regular edition free, and those who order 8 or more can purchase one copy of the b/w virgin Gulacy cover for $3.99 retail.
Also in July Moonstone is launching That Man Flint #0, a 16-page color comic with a cover price $1.99. Written by Vertigo scribe Gary Phillip, That Man Flint is retro revisionist cold war epic based on the Flint series of 1960s parody spy films (Our Man Flint, In Like Flint, etc.) that starred James Coburn in lighthearted spy romps influenced by the James Bond movies and the Man From U.N.C.L.E. TV series. Retailers who order 4 copies get a fifth copy for free (basically an extra 20% discount).