Disney is hoping writer Karl Gajdusek, who penned the upcoming Nicole Kidman thriller Trespass, will be able to rescue Horizons from OblivionHorizons is the new name for the science fiction comic book property formerly known as Oblivion that was conceived by Tron Legacy helmer Joseph Kosinski.
This saga of a soldier patrolling a desolate planet who meets a mysterious traveler in an encounter that changes everything will be released as a graphic novel this July by Radical Publishing.  Radical’s motion picture arm Radical Pictures, which has seen many properties optioned, but none filmed so far, is hoping that Horizons will be its breakthrough project.
Last summer Disney picked up Oblivion (see “Disney Opts for Oblivion”) and hired Oscar winning (for The Departed) screenwriter William Monahan to adapt it. Now according to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney has brought it Gajdusek for a rewrite on the project that has been renamed Horizons and is “a high priority for the studio.” 
Being a “high priority” doesn’t insure that a film will get made.  There are just so many obstacles to overcome in order to get a movie to the screens of the local multiplex.  But it is surely good news for Radical Pictures that one of their properties has gotten this far.