Warner Bros. has released three high resolution photos of Ryan Reynolds in his computer-generated Green Lantern costume. While similar to other images released earlier, these new photos reveal the entire costume. The form-fitting Green Lantern garb includes a green eye mask and reveals nearly every muscle in his body as well as the individual toes on his feet.
Warner Bros.’ Green Lantern movie debuts in 3D on June 17th. The film, which is directed by Martin Campbell, stars Ryan Reynolds, Angela Bassett, Blake Lively, Mark Strong, Jay. O. Sanders, Temuera Morrison, and Jon Tenney.
Reports indicate that the studio has spent $200 million of its own money to produce the Green Lantern film, which ranks as the #1 gamble of this summer’s movie system. Marketing of the movie has been delayed because of a lack of coordination between the special effects units and those in charge of publicity. The inability to use key special effects heavy action sequences led to the release a disappointing early trailer was released last November. However Green Lantern footage shown at WonderCon (see “Green Lantern Preview Footage”) was much more impressive, and a full scale Green Lantern trailer will accompany the release of Marvel’s Thor movie.