In July Marvel Comics is releasing The Art of Mike Deodato ($49.99), a 240-page hardcover that traces the career of Mike Deodato, who burst onto the scene in the 1990s and quickly established himself as a top-tier artist in the world of superhero comics with his work on Wonder Woman, Avengers and The Mighty Thor.
The Brazilian-born artist (nee Deodato Taumaturgo Borges Filho), who is known for his work with Warren Ellis on Thor and Thunderbolts, is now the regular artist on Secret Avengers, where he teams with writer Ed Brubaker.
The Brazilian-born artist (nee Deodato Taumaturgo Borges Filho), who is known for his work with Warren Ellis on Thor and Thunderbolts, is now the regular artist on Secret Avengers, where he teams with writer Ed Brubaker.
In the 1990s Deodato quickly established himself with a photo-realistic style based on a solid grasp of anatomy and the dynamic compositional tropes of superhero comics. His recent work has shown an increasing concern with the creation of mood and reflecting the emotional content of the story in both the figures and settings he creates.
The Art of Mike Deodato, which is written by John Rhett Thomas, includes contributions from writers Charlie Huston and Mike Benson, and Marvel EIC Axel Alonso, who provide insights into the creative process of collaboration between writers, artists, and editors involved in the production of the Marvel comics illustrated by Deodato.