Today DC Comics released a map of the world of Flashpoint--and quite a different world it is. Created by writer Rex Ogle and artist Freddie E. Williams II, this map depicts the world of DC’s massive Flashpoint crossover event, which will dominate the publisher’s summer releases, and will evidently lead to massive restructuring of the DC Universe with many DC titles revamped and re-numbered come fall.
Grodd Flashpoint #1 Cover
Check out the H.I.V.E. Council’s global chart. The entire world has been affected by the Amazon-Atlantean feud. The U.K. is now New Themsycira, the home base for the Amazons. While Europe is the focal point of Amazon-Atlantean conflict, other areas of the world are ignored. Grodd has taken over Africa and is turning it into a mass grave.
Take a close look at the Flashpoint map with its Euro-Refugee Camps and a nazi-occupied Brazil. According to DC’s Source Blog, “a world without the world’s greatest superheroes certainly turned out differently.”