DC has announced four first issues for September featuring characters from the Superman family. Perhaps the most momentous is Action Comics #1, a new version of the most expensive comic collectible in history (see “Action #1--$1.5 Million”).  It will be written by Grant Morrison with art by Rags Morales, and, according to the announcement, “will set in motion the history of the DC Universe as Superman defends a world that doesn’t trust their first Super Hero.”
Superman #1, written and breakdowns by George Perez with art by Jesus Merino, provides Superman’s new status quo, his friends, loved ones, and his job at the Daily Planet.

Supergirl #1, written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson with art by Mahmud Asrar, will give a new take on the character, with the unpredictable behavior of a teenager and no affection for the people of Earth.

Superboy #1, written by Scott Lobdell with art by R.B. Silva and Rob Lean, tells the
story of Superboy as someone thought to be a failed experiment created by a combination of Kryptonian and human DNA.  We wonder whether this version of the Superboy mythos paves the way for an alternate version of the character (see “Battle Over Stolen Docs in Supes Case”) as a way to dodge the granting of the character rights to the creators in the long-running litigation between DC and the heirs of Siegel and Shuster (see “Judge Rules Siegel Heirs Have Recaptured Superboy Rights”).