Guardians of Order, the Canadian game publisher responsible for Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo!, Dominion Tank Police, and several other anime-based role-playing games, has announced that it will produce a new roleplaying game based on the El-Hazard anime. El-Hazard originated as a seven-part OAV directed by Tenchi Muyo! co-creator Hiroki Hayashi back in 1995. Guardians of Order will publish a full color RPG rulebook detailing the characters, settings, plots, and actions of the first OAV series -- in fact this sourcebook will contain so much information on the series that it should also appeal to El-Hazard fans who don't role-play. The El-Hazard Role-Playing Game and Resource Book will be released in July, 2001. A subsequent 'expansion' volume will cover the second OAV series, El-Hazard 2, which appeared in 1998.