As with a lot of films like Green Lantern, X-Men First Class, and Thor, the waning gross intake seems to be due to the marketing ploys. Perhaps the PR folks got a bit... overzealous. This is not uncommon for it to happen. But there IS such a thing as too much. Knowing what to put into the publications is key to the intake. If it's a big name, like Green Lantern, don't show a lot of clips from the film. The viewers are not as stupid as marketing says they are. They can piece it together.
Also, don't re-print the graphic novels BEFORE the movie comes out. It sort of defeats the purpose of wanting to see the film. Prequel comics are cool. They offer more info to draw the patrons in.
Remember, you want to keep the movie a surprise, and not give everything away. Otherwise, the low intake will continue.
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