Stitched, a 15-minute short film written and directed by Garth Ennis, will have its premiere at the San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday, July 21st at 8:15 pm in Room 6DE. The film, which blends supernatural horror with a contemporary war story, follows the adventures of three survivors of an American helicopter that crashes in the mountains of Eastern Afghanistan. Without food and water they travel through inhospitable Taliban-controlled territory, but the biggest threat to their survival is an ancient supernatural power—murderous, unstoppable, and serving a 21st Century evil.
The footage that comprises Stitched is actually the opening conflict in a full-length feature film script written by Ennis, creator of the popular Preacher and The Boys properties, both of which have been optioned by Hollywood. Ennis and producer Brian Pulido (formerly of Chaos Comic) are obviously hoping to stir up enough interest in the project to get financing in order to film the entire project. Ennis, whose comic book creations are highly cinematic, had never directed a film before, so Stitched is an effort to show that he is up to the task.
Avatar Press’ William Christensen is one of the executive producers on the project and in November, in conjunction with the release of a DVD of Stitched, Avatar will publish the first issue of a comic book series based Ennis’ screenplay, which will provide the basis for the comic series’ first story arc.