Konami Digital Entertainment has announced the details of its Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game North American World Championship Qualifier Tournament, which will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center on the 15th and 16th of July.
YGO TCG Duelists have been playing their hardest throughout the year to obtain the right to participate in the invitation-only tournament. Players have been fine-tuning their decks and game strategies for months in preparation for the event. The top six finishers will receive an all-expense paid trip to the YGO TCG World Championships that will be held in Amsterdam. Details concerning all the other prizes that the top finishers will earn are all on the Konami YGO TCG Website.
In addition to the invitation-only World Championship Qualifier competition there will be public events including Win-a-Mat tournaments, Pegasus Challenge Events, and Dragon Duel tournaments for Duelists aged 12 and under.