Noah Broessel of Pop Culture Paradise in Tempe, Arizona has obviously been viewing comments on Marvel from retailers that oppose its no overprint policy and had this to say:


I've had a store for 6 months and Marvel easily outperforms the other companies in sales!  Why are other retailers pissed off by their print to order policy?  MOST readers ARE collectors!  They don't want to buy something for $2.25 today and be worth $0.50 tomorrow.  If retailers feel burned by ordering too many copies, DON'T ORDER THEM!  Order what you think you can sell!


Marvel comics running out should encourage readers to sign up with stores that have good subscription programs, this will ensure the customer gets the comic and the store will have a guaranteed sale.


If a retailer thinks a book will be hot and buys 100, then the book isn't hot, he should realize he is taking a risk LIKE ALL investments.  We should be smart enough to order heavy on Ultimate Spider-Man and not Iron Man.  Yes, if you order double of what you sell monthly of Iron Man you should and will go out of business!


It's not that hard to fine tune the Diamond order to approximately meet demand.  Besides, dealers that have extras on the last 10 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man are NOT putting them in the quarter bin next to back issues of Robin, Nightwing, Spectre, Lab Rats, Wonder Woman, Flash, Automatic Kafka, Azrael, Birds of Prey, Batgirl, Hawkman, Legion, New Titans, etc.