Ron Catapano of Ron's Comic World in Mount Holly, New Jersey read the news of Marvel offering a rare variant in exchange for unsold copies of DC's Flashpoint tie-in miniseries (see "Marvel Baits DC With Swap Offer") and had this to say.
Marvel is once again tying to make people believe that they are better than DC by offering to swap for DC books. Well, how about offering to buy back all the unsold tie-ins to Fear Itself? Sales for regular Marvel titles that tie in to the Fear Itself story are down about 20% from the previous issues. The miniseries itself is selling okay but readers are skipping the tie in books in large numbers. I can't sell 6 copies of the Fear Itself: The Deep tie-in, yet I sold 20 copies of the Flashpoint: The Canterbury Cricket--a character that nobody ever heard of.
I've got plenty of copies of the Avengers titles and Iron Man tie-ins left I'd be happy to sell back to Marvel. Let Marvel put its money where their mouth is and make the tie in books returnable then we'll see just how well it did.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of
"Buy Back... Unsold Tie-ins to Fear Itself'
Posted by ICv2 on July 27, 2011 @ 11:15 pm CT