Jerry Ringi of Amazing Fantasy in Chesapeake, Virginia saw new retailer Noah Broessel's comments on Marvel's policies (see 'Noah Broessel of Pop Culture Paradise on Marvel') and had this to say:
First of all everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be able to express it. I however, question Noah Broessel's statements that retailers should be able to know what to order from Marvel. Now he's been open for six months and I'm sure he feels as if he knows all the answers since he's survived six whole months. When he survives five years, or even 10 years, I would love to hear his comments concerning Marvel. When he gets stuck with comics he ordered without seeing inside art work, or even a story line. If he experienced the last ten years of what Marvel has done to this industry then I would be willing to listen to him. Strange that Marvel has agreed to accept returns after the lawsuit. Noah would say that it's our the retailer's fault for ordering what we did and not Marvel for not meeting their own standards. Wait until you have a few years under your belt and you just might understand why most retailers are against this policy.
I have a challenge to ICv2. Take a poll of all retailers on the network to vote on what they feel about the Marvel no reprint policy. If I'm off target and just jaded from 10 years of owning and operating a comic store and having to put up with the policies of Marvel, Diamond, DC and UPS only doing what's in their best interest. I would love to have them listen to us on what would help us grow our stores and make us all stronger so that they will be able to grow stronger also.
I'm not attacking Noah, and I hope that he feels the same way in the future. Six months does not seem very long to be making sweeping evaluations on the merits of the reprint policy of Marvel. But that's just my opinion and everyone deserves to have one.