Jim Brocius of Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas, Nevada took a look at Marvel's no-reprint policy (see 'Marvel's Bill Jemas 'Tells the Truth about Over-Production'') from the point of view of its stockholders.


In order for Marvel to produce a second print it would have to be profitable for them to do so.  I am sure that when the total number of reordered books are added up and the numbers would not represent a profit greater the expense of doing so requires then Marvel is making the right decision not to do a second print.  But when those numbers do represent a profit and Marvel chooses not to do additional printings then I submit that they are doing a disservice to all involved, not the least being the stockholders.  If I was a stockholder I would be demanding an explanation for a Marvel policy of turning down a guaranteed profit and damaging the opportunity for future profits.  Their current policy as defined is clearly not in their stockholders best interest.