James Morris from Grahic Action Comcis in Newcastle, Australia saw Timothy Davis' comment on comics for kids (see 'Timothy Davis of Alternate Reality on Comics for Kids') and asked us to do a poll of retailers.


James from Graphic Action Comics (Newcastle, Australia) here.  To quote from Jerry Ringi of Amazing Fantasy -- 'I have a challenge to ICv2. Take a poll of all retailers on the network to vote on what they feel about the Marvel no reprint policy.'  I feel this is long overdue -- as you may be aware -- Peter David is trying to field the same sort of data at the moment -- but I feel ICv2 could get a better reflection of retailers opinions.  A simple approve/disapprove would do.  Then we can finally settle this.  As one of your major suppliers (Marvel), I think it would be beneficial to all involved to at least know how the feeling was on a retail level.


Thanks for the suggestion James.  A while back, we ran a response to previous requests to do such a poll in our newsletter, which read:  We were asked by a number of retailers to run a poll on Marvel's no overprint policy.  We've decided not to for a couple of reasons.  First, the results of any self-selected poll are unlikely to be any more accurate than Marvel's, because the sample will be self-selected and unscientific.  Second, we're aware of two other polls already running-one on the excellent CBIA retailer discussion forum on Delphi, and another being run by Peter David through his column in CBG.  But for the continuing best, most timely coverage of this issue from the only daily news source for retailers, keep watching ICv2!
