Ted Yee of T&N Games in Burnaby, British Columbia (Canada) responds to Mark Craddock's comments (see "Mark Craddock of Comic Book World on Wizards of the Coast") regarding Ted's experience with Wizards of the Coast's Prerelease allocations.

In response to his response:

I never said Wizards hasn't been doing good things, in fact they've done a ton of good things, but as a business owner, do you like to leave money on the table?  Do you think it's a good thing to turn customers away because Wizards wanted to give you the absolute minimum based on some weird formula?

It's great to get 10 cases of a product but what if your demand is 20?  Previous prereleases had us at around 32 per event.  What we got didn't even cover that, not when it's 4 events.  We're among the top 3 in overall attendance in the Vancouver area and number 1 for FNM attendance over the last year and what we got didn't jive with those numbers.  I saw this right off the bat, tried to rectify it and was told that was all we were getting, no exceptions.

Magic has become merely an excellent performer a few years ago to an outright superstar today but that doesn't mean they can't still do things better.  There are enough ups and downs in this business that I want to absolutely maximize the up times.

I would generally agree that Wizards is working hard for their stores, but that's their job.  Helping the stores has helped their bottom line.  If helping stores wasn't resulting in increased sales, do you think they'd continue down this path?  It's mutually beneficial now but remember that one day, it might not be.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.