Barnes & Noble will introduce the Nook Tablet, with 1GB of RAM and 16GB of built-in storage, on November 16th, EnGadget reported. The new tablet will look very much like the Nook Color (see “Nook Color Adds Apps”), but will have substantially more RAM and storage in an even smaller package. The Nook Tablet will sell for $249, $50 more than the Kindle Fire, but with more power.
At the same time, B&N will be cutting the price on its Nook Color to $199, with new software adding Hulu Plus and more streaming music, also according to EnGadget.
The Kindle Fire launch caused a great deal of controversy with the announcement that it would be offering 100 DC graphic novels not available digitally elsewhere (see “’Watchmen’ on Kindle”). Amazon also began selling some titles, including Watchmen, for $9.99, roughly half the print retail price (see “Amazon Launches Graphic Novel Price War”).
Barnes & Noble responded by removing the Fire exclusive titles from DC from the shelves of its hundreds of stores nationwide (see “B&N to DC—It’s On!”), and Books-a-Million joined in (see “Books-a-Million Joins Boycott of DC GNs”).