A new Transformers animated series, Transformers: Rescue Bots will debut with back-to-back episodes on Hasbro’s The Hub cable network on Saturday, February 18th starting at 11:30 am (ET, PT).  The Rescue Bots series, which is produced by Hasbro Studios and Atomic Cartoons, supports a toy line from Hasbro and targets pre-tween viewers, occupying a niche in the lineup of Transformers cartoons akin to that of the Marvel Super Hero Squad.  The debut of Transformers: Rescue Bots kicks of The Hub’s “Transformers Mega Saturday Event,” which will unfold on February 18th.
Later that day Hasbro will launch the second season of the its CG animated series Transformers Prime, which will debut with the first episode of a 3-episode storyline on The Hub at 8:30 pm (ET, PT)—see “Transformers Prime Premieres in February.”
The final event of the “Transformers Mega Saturday Event” will be an airing of the 1986 Transformers: The Animated Movie.