The comic world is a better place in January of 2012 than it was in January of 2011. The three titles over 100,000 in January 2012 compares to one title over 100,000 in January 2011. And even more telling, there were 29 titles over 50,000 in January of 2012 compared to just 16 over 50,000 in Janaury of 2011.
DC Comics had an awesome month, with all of the Top 10 and 14 of the Top 25 comic titles. Marvel Comics had the other 11. The top title not from the Big Two was The Walking Dead at #59, from Image Comics.
It was a pretty good month for January; eight of the Top 25 titles were up from last month’s issues, with 16 down.
In the graphic novel category, DC’s OGN Batman Through the Looking Glass HC took the top spot with an uninspiring 6,400 copies sold.
Here are ICv2’s estimates of the sales of the "Top 25" comic titles sold through Diamond Comic Distributors in January:
138,576 Justice League #5
130,492 Batman #5
105,088 Action Comics #5
99,342 Detective Comics #5
97,878 Green Lantern #5
76,824 Batman The Dark Knight #5
73,719 Superman #5
71,611 Flash #5
65,507 Batman and Robin #5 [*]
65,094 Aquaman #5
63,477 Uncanny X-Men #5
63,175 Uncanny X-Men #4
59,530 Wolverine and X-Men #4
58,681 Wolverine #300
58,578 Avengers X-Sanction #2
57,626 Wonder Woman #5
57,186 Amazing Spider-Man #677
54,803 Avengers #21
54,606 Teen Titans #5
54,252 Amazing Spider-Man #678
53,410 Scarlet Spider #1
52,910 New Avengers #20
52,371 Avenging Spider-Man #3
52,305 Green Lantern New Guardians #5
51,924 Batwoman #5
For an analysis of the dollar trends in January, see "Comic Store Sales Surge in January."
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For an overview and analysis of the best-selling comics and graphic novels in December, see "'Justice League' Remains at #1 in December." For an analysis of the dollar trends in December, see "Marvel Regains Top Spot in December."
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through January 2012, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."