Is Marvel planning an unprecedented crossover between the “Ultimate” universe and the regular Marvel universe?  A second teaser image for the June-shipping Spider-Men title appears to indicate that two comic book worlds, heretofore distinct and separate, will be merged in the new series, which just might feature both the new Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales (see “Marvel Unveils New Ultimate Spider-Man”), and Peter Parker from the company’s flagship Amazing Spider-Man comic.

Last Month's Teaser
The fact that writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli, the creative team behind the new Ultimate Spider-Man comic, are writing and illustrating Spider-Men #1 makes it highly likely that Miles Morales will play a role in the Spider-Men comic series.  The first teaser image that Marvel released back in February appeared to combine the logos of both the Ultimate and Amazing Spider-Man.  The new teaser image can be read in a similar way with the silhouette of Peter Parker leaping above one of Miles Morales.
Of course it could end up with the Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man teaming up with his predecessor, the Ultimate Universe Peter Parker, who has been somehow raised from the dead, but it appears slightly more likely that Marvel will take the plunge and for the first time bring the Ultimate Universe and the Marvel Universe together just in time to take advantage of the boost the properties will get when Sony reboots the Spider-Man franchise on the big screen in Marc Webb’s Amazing Spider-Man movie that debuts on July 3rd.