Bizenghast creator M. Alice LeGrow told ICv2 that she will be getting her normal compensation for the publication of Bizenghast Vol. 8 by Right Stuf (see "Right Stuf to Publish 'Bizenghast' Vol. 8"), despite the three way deal between LeGrow, distressed former publisher Tokyopop (see "Tokyopop Closing"), and Right Stuf.
"I DO receive royalties from this book just like all the others," LeGrow said. "I was paid in full for the entire volume before Tokyopop stopped publishing, and in fact have been offered (and completed) extra work to do ancillary art and the book layout, for which I was very generously compensated by Tokyopop... Tokyopop has always dealt fairly with me in their contracts and there’s no reason to think they won’t continue to do so." LeGrow created new art for the splash page and art for the postcard that’s free with purchase.
Right Stuf’s new manga publishing program is utilizing a combination of conventional book printing, which it will use for new volumes like Bizenghast Vol. 8 and Hetalia Vol. 3, and Print on Demand printing, which it will use for backlist like the first two volumes of Hetalia (see "Right Stuf to Publish 'Hetalia: Axis Powers'").
Distribution of the Right Stuf manga titles will be limited to sales to retailers and librarians through the Right Stuf Website, although discounts off retail will be available.
LeGrow is working on a new book, The Elephant Book, for which she obtained seed funding from a Kickstarter project. She’s still shopping that book to publishers, so distribution arrangements for that title are yet to be determined.