Warner Bros. will release the 48 frames per second version of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in only limited locations, according to Variety. The higher frame rate in which the film was shot got a bad reception at CinemaCon (see "'The Hobbit' Looked Like 'I, Claudius'"), and even though director Peter Jackson defended the clip as incomplete footage that would look much different in its final version (see "Peter Jackson Defends 'Hobbit' Footage"), Warners is taking a cautious approach to the new format. The new format (dubbed HFR (for Higher Frame Rate), will be rolled out in only a limited number of locations that may not even include all cities.
Warners expects the new format will be rolled out to more theaters with the second and third Hobbit movies if the reception is positive.
In addition to concerns about the reception of the new format, equipment is also an issue. Some theaters require only a software upgrade to their projection equipment, but older digital projectors can’t be upgraded to HFR 3D format.