"Cryptic" doesn’t begin to describe the latest Marvel NOW! teaser for yet another rebooted NOW! series slated to debut in December with the creative team of writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Kev Walker.  Under the Marvel NOW! banner, Walker and Hopeless have their names emblazoned above a single bloodstained word, "Survive."  Which Marvel heroes are known for their ability to survive?  Pretty much all of them--so this clue is about as useful as if the poster had come with the word "Heroes" set against its black background.
Hopeless is one of the writers on the Marvel NOW! Point One October-shipping one-shot, which features a cover lineup that includes Cable, Star-Lord, Ant-Man, and Nova plus a trio of younger denizens of the Marvel U.  Of that group, Cable appears to be the one who would most likely be associated with blood splatter, but there is no telling whether Hopeless’ work on that one-shot comic has any relationship to this as-yet-unnamed ongoing Marvel NOW! title. 
In fact this latest "teaser," which debuted at the Bleeding Cool Site, is so indecipherable, that even Bleeding Cool’s resident comics maven Rich Johnston didn’t bother to speculate about what sort of a comic Marvel was touting, except to say that it looks a little "bloody" for a Secret Avengers title.