NYCC News: At the New York Comic Con Marvel Comics released the cover of yet another Marvel NOW! title, Guardians of the Galaxy #1, a February-shipping book, which will be written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Steve McNiven. This new Marvel NOW! series makes sense especially in light of Marvel’s decision to develop a Guardians of the Galaxy movie as part of the second wave of Marvel movies (see "Marvel Confirms 'Guardians of the Galaxy'" and "'Guardians' Director to Write").
Bendis of course worked with the Guardians of the Galaxy in his Avengers Assemble story arc, and he also sits on the Marvel Creative Committee that advises Marvel Studios on movie projects and thus Bendis was part of the decision making process that led to the Guardians movie project going forward. When Marvel Publisher Dan Buckley offered Bendis a chance to work with artist Steve McNiven (Civil War) on a new Guardians of the Galaxy series, Bendis quickly accepted the challenge of creating a key book on the cosmic-flank of the burgeoning Marvel NOW! universe (the other major Marvel NOW! comic with a "cosmic" focus is Nova by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness).