New solicitations just released by DC Comics indicate that four of the current "New 52" titles are slated to receive their tear-stained final issues in January as DC continues to prune the lower ranks of the "New 52." Titles set to expire in January after their seventeenth issues include Blue Beetle, Grifter, Legion Lost, and Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. While not necessarily the poorest performing members of the "New 52," the quartet designated for extinction definitely inhabit the lower end of DC’s output in terms of circulation.
DC announced several new series at the NYCC including a new Superman book by Jim Lee and Scott Snyder (see "Jim Lee and Scott Snyder on New 'Superman' Title"), a new unspecified David Goyer/ Geoff Johns series (see "David Goyer to Pen New 13-issue Series With Geoff Johns"), and the revival of the Justice League of America title, so the cancellation of the four titles gives the publisher plenty of room to operate. DC is introducing one new series in January. Threshold #1, written by Keith Giffen (who had been writing Blue Beetle) with art by Tom Raney, is a Green Lantern spin-off that will introduce a new Green Lantern and showcase various "New 52" Galactic heroes and villains.
DC announced several new series at the NYCC including a new Superman book by Jim Lee and Scott Snyder (see "Jim Lee and Scott Snyder on New 'Superman' Title"), a new unspecified David Goyer/ Geoff Johns series (see "David Goyer to Pen New 13-issue Series With Geoff Johns"), and the revival of the Justice League of America title, so the cancellation of the four titles gives the publisher plenty of room to operate. DC is introducing one new series in January. Threshold #1, written by Keith Giffen (who had been writing Blue Beetle) with art by Tom Raney, is a Green Lantern spin-off that will introduce a new Green Lantern and showcase various "New 52" Galactic heroes and villains.
According to ICv2’s most recent sales estimates (for the month of September) North American sales of the titles in question ranged from 18,786 for Legion Lost #0 (#122 on the Top 300) to 18,122 for Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #0 (#126), to 16,688 for Blue Beetle #0 (#135), and 15,751 for Grifter #0 (#141). Other "New 52" titles such as G.I. Combat #0 (14,072) and Captain Atom #0 (13,934) all had lower circulation numbers (as did many of DC’s Vertigo titles, which make up for low single-issue numbers with graphic novel sales, as well as DC’s youth titles, which can be justified for their potential to grow the market by interesting young readers in comics).