Arcane Wonders has announced plans for the first Mage Wars expansion set, and its organized play program. The first Mage Wars expansion, Forcemaster and Warlord, includes two new mages, two Mage Ability Cards, 216 Spell Cards, two new Spellbooks with new cover art, assorted cardboard markers, and a full-color Expansion Rulebook. This follows the core set (see "New Plans for 'Mage Wars'"), and a support set of base set cards (see "'Mage Wars Core Spell Tome'e"), both released in August.
Mage Wars Organized Play Kits are available through distributors. They include 16 promo spell cards with alternate art (eight Dispel and eight Minor Heal spells), a full color story brochure and a short article on how to run OP in the store, a full color poster, tracking sheets and other support materials, and a folder to hold the materials.