Following news about its forthcoming series in June and July 2013, the newly formed imprint Titan Comics (see "Titan's New Creator-Owned Imprint" and "Titan Comics Teaming with A1 Publisher Dave Elliott"), has announced the launch of Solid State Tank Girl on May 15, 2013.
The four-part series will be penned by writer Alan Martin (A1, Deadline, Judge Dredd Megazine) and artist Warwick Johnson Cadwell. A recent newcomer, Cadwell has previously contributed in Blank Slate Books' Nelson in 2011 and Self Made Hero's The Lovecraft Anthology Volume 2 in 2012. Working with artist Jamie Hewlett, Martin is the co-creator of Tank Girl.
Originally premiering in 1991, Tank Girl ran for several years and has been followed-up by several mini-series sequels as recently as 2012's Tank Girl: Everybody Loves Tank Girl. Titan Publishing, along with Dark Horse Comics, Image Comics, DC Comics, and IDW Publishing have all developed and published various Tank Girl comics since the early 1990s.
Along with the print release, Titan is distributing Solid State day and date digitally via comiXology.
--Nathan Wilson