Alderac Entertainment Group announced plans for a collectible card game based on the Initial D manga and anime property, released in the U.S. by Tokyopop. Planned for fall release in the standard starters and boosters format, the Initial D CCG is being designed by Origins Awards winner David Williams, who designed the Legend of the Five Rings CCG. Images for the street-racing themed game will be drawn from the Japanese source material. The game is currently in beta-play-testing.
Alderac also announced the summer release of HumAliens, a CCG targeted at 10-14 year-olds. It's set in the distant future, and features teams of humans, aliens, robots, clones, and paranormal extra-terrestrials controlled by each player. This product is being designed for and released to the core gaming market first.
And for the RPG market, Alderac announced the Warlords of the Accordlands campaign setting, which will be released in four hardcover products this fall totaling over 1300 pages, all produced under the Open Gaming License. The Master Codex will include 18 new character classes, over 50 new prestige classes, over 100 pages of spells, equiptment and items for characters, rules, and a super index covering all four of the books. The World Atlas will include numerous maps, a detailed history of the World of Warlord: Saga of the Storm, stats, artifacts and magical items, a reference guide, and more. Monsters and Lairs provides stats and info on every monster from the Warlord CCG, plus new beasts, and more. And the Campaign Book will include over 25 complete adventures for the setting.