Frequent commenter Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics in Whippany, New Jersey  gives us his thoughts on Free Comic Book Day (see 'PR Campaign Kicks off for FCBD') and more:
Well, it's been quite a while since I've written and so much is going on.  We are in the process of refixturing our store and altering our over all presentation so that we make the best impression possible on Free Comic Book Day.  We hope it will be an even better success for us this year, and of course, for everyone else participating as well.  I've already increased my stock of trades for the event and hope that the accessibility of trades helps us develop more readers.  We also increased our new comic area by 25% so that we can properly highlight the majority of new titles being released between April and June of this year.  Except for certain books, I don't think Marvel's Tsunami line will do much of anything over the long run.  But we will support it as long as it is feasible to do so.  I also hope Marvel and DC rein in their raising of prices for the rest of the year.  This is NOT an economy in which to make buying comics harder than ever before.  Thanks to everyone who helps make ICv2 an informative and useful site.  Good luck to everyone with FCBD and the rest of the year.  I'll be back for the next controversy!!!