Avatar Press has announced the June 19th debut of Extinction Parade, a new ongoing comic book series written by Max Brooks that will debut in comic shops on the day before World War Z, a big-budget adaptation of Brooks’ bestselling novel, debuts in theaters across the country. Brooks, who also wrote The Zombie Survival Guide, is teaming up with artist Raulo Caceres to create the Extinction Parade comics.
Extinction Parade is set in a world where humanity is on the verge of extinction due the depredations of zombie hordes, when another undead race with a slightly more symbiotic relation to humans decides that it is time to intervene in order to save their blood supply, a decision that leads to a war between vampires and zombies.
The debut of World War Z, which stars Brad Pitt, could give the Extinction Parade series a nice send-off it the film itself gets off to a good start in the midst of the highly competitive summer movie season. While Extinction Parade will be the first ongoing zombie comic book series from Brooks, it is certainly not his first comic book work (see "Max Brooks to Write 'G.I. Joe'").