The HWK-290 Expansion Pack, for the Rebel fleet, has four ship cards for a Rebel Operative and three unique pilots, and can be outfitted with a turret weapon and crew member.
The Lambda-Class Shuttle Expansion Pack, for the Imperial fleet, also includes four ship cards featuring three unique pilots, and each can carry up to two crew members, a cannon, and a system upgrade. System upgrades, a new upgrade with this group of expansions (also with the B-Wing), reduce the risks in random dice rolls and the opponent’s unpredictability.
The B-Wing Expansion Pack ship can be upgraded with a cannon, up to two torpedoes, including Advanced Proton Torpedoes, and a System Upgrade. It carries five shields and the ability to barrel roll.
The TIE Bomber Expansion Pack ship is not as agile or fast as other TIE variants, but can destroy almost any target.