Disney Animation Studios will release Big Hero 6, a 3D animated film based on the Marvel comic property (see "Disney Plans Marvel Animated Feature"), on November 7, 2014. This will be the first time Disney Animation has produced a film featuring characters from sister company Marvel. Disney bills the film as a “comic-book style, action comedy adventure.”
The movie will be loosely based on the Marvel property created in 1998 by Steven T. Seagle and Duncan Rouleau for Alpha Flight, Vol. 2, which also appeared in two miniseries, in 1998 and 2008. However, the Disney movie deviates from the original location (opting for a San Francisco--Tokyo hybrid named "San Fransokyo"), and eschews established superhero team members in favor of "first–time crimefighters."
The plot centers on robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who finds himself embroiled in a criminal plot that threatens to destroy the city of San Fransokyo. With the help of his robot companion, Baymax, Hiro joins forces with a reluctant team of first-time crime fighters to save the city.
From Disney Animation
Posted by ICv2 on May 9, 2013 @ 4:09 pm CT