The Cartoon Network is planning a series of limited edition maquettes, based on its proprietary animated series, which will be released only through Diamond to the comic store market (and sold on the Cartoon Network Website). This represents a big merchandising step for Cartoon Network, both in the recognition that a market exists for high end collectibles based on its programming, and in choosing a distribution channel that's best suited to reach that market. It has previously produced some products only for sale through direct marketing to consumers (see 'Samurai Jack Action Figures'), but has not, to our knowledge, previously produced products for sale only through the comic store channel. All will be produced in editions of 2,500, with each piece individually numbered and accompanied with a certificate of authenticity.
Six products are planned for release beginning this summer. The Samurai Jack Training Progression kicks things off in the June Previews, in multi-figure, cold cast resin statue based on Genndy Tartovsky's animated series. The limited edition of 2,500 is priced at $125 MSRP. 7-3/4' high.
Two products based on Adult Swim series will be solicited in July. The Harvey Birdman at Law Maquette is a $69 cold cast resin maquette, 9-3/4' high. The Space Ghost Bust is likewise made of cold cast resin, with each bust approved and signed by series creator Alex Toth. MSRP is $89; it's 8.5' high.
Two maquettes based on Space Ghost Coast to Coast will be solicited in the August Previews. The Brak and Zorak Maquettes will both retail for $59. Brak is 8-3/4' high; Zorak is 9-1/4' high.
In the October Previews, retailers will have the opportunity to order Samurai Jack vs. the Beetlebot, from Samurai Jack. It's 7-1/4' high and will retail for $89.