The company has announced a special production run of figures from the organized play kits for the Marvel HeroClix: Fear Itself storyline (see "'Marvel HeroClix' OP Event: Fear Itself'") for stores that were allocated in months 4, 5, or 6 of the program. Such retailers will be able to order one set per store (policed by cross-checking orders through Diamond, Alliance, and direct from NECA), which will include one of each figure from the booster, one of each OP kit component, and one final prize, all for $72. The sets will ship in early December.
WizKids has also announced changes to its organized play programs for the upcoming Marvel HeroClix: Avengers vs. X-Men storyline (see "'Avengers vs. X-Men' OP"). Purchase requirements will be eliminated, but store orders will be manually evaluated based on their purchase history, WizKids Event System registration, and player registrations. "Order allocations may occur as a result," WizKids cautions.
Event templates have been changed from purely constructed events to a hybrid of sealed/constructed tournaments. Purchase of an AvX starter will no longer be a prerequisite for participation in the OP series. "Players will still need to bring at least one figure from their selected AvX starter, but now our recommendation will be to create the rest of their force utilizing some combination of figures they bring to the event and sealed five-figure booster product," the WizKids announcement said. "It is our intention that by relaxing the requirements for the AvX Storyline OP will result in a much easier program to participate in... by altering the event recommendation templates in the WES, stores will more readily re-coup the costs of participating in the event series."