Titus Welliver’s Agent Blake, who first appeared in "Item 47," a short film included in the Blu-ray extras of Joss Whedon’s The Avengers, will make his first appearance on the ABC TV series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  Welliver will make his small screen S.H.I.E.L.D. debut on October 29th in the episode entitled "FZZT," during which Agent Coulson and crew have to find an explanation for a bunch of mysterious floating bodies and then track down the killer.
No word yet on how long Welliver, who had significant roles in Deadwood, Argo, Sons of Anarchy, and Gone, Baby Gone, will last on the new show--and, judging from "Item 47," where Welliver ordered Agent Sitwell to find a Chitauri weapon left behind after the Battle of New York and "neutralize" the couple that found it, he is a ruthless bureaucrat who will likely have a run-in or two with Coulson, which is not exactly a sound strategy for longevity on the series.