The long-rumored Agent Carter TV series, a period drama based on the Cold War adventures of Captain America’s girlfriend Peggy Carter, appears to be close to getting a "green light" for the shooting of a pilot.  After refusing for months to acknowledge the project formally (Marvel and ABC love to develop their small screen projects in great secrecy (see "An 'Agent Carter' Series From Marvel?"), ABC President Pat Lee today broke radio silence and officially mentioned the project telling an audience at the TCA that the Marvel Comics-based project was in development and that "the script (for a pilot episode) is great."
According to Deadline, the script for the new series was written by Christopher Markus and Steven McFeely, who wrote the screenplays for both Captain America: The First Avenger and the upcoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  No word yet on whether Hayley Atwell, who portrays Peggy Carter in both Cap films as well as in the “Agent Carter” short, will reprise the role for the TV series.
Deadline also reports that Tara Butters and Michelle Fazekas, who produced the Reaper TV series, will act as showrunners for the Agent Carter project.  It could be just a coincidence that all this news leaked out just now, but don’t be surprised if the pilot for Agent Carter receives a green light sometime in the coming weeks.