Wizkids will also release a retail product: DC HeroClix: War of Light--Sinestro Corps War Scenario Packs, on May 14th, as a precursor to the DC HeroClix: War of Light OP storyline event, which begins in June.
The DC HeroClix: War of Light OP storyline will cover events from the DC’s War of Light storyline. Like the Fear Itself OP event (see "'Marvel HeroClix' OP Event: 'Fear Itself'"), War of Light will feature five-figure tournament boosters with content exclusive to this OP series.
Unlike Fear Itself (which had fulfillment problems, see "WizKids Retools Storyline OP"), War of Light tournament boosters will be packed separately from the tournament kits, so stores can adjust their orders to meet tournament player demand for the six month event.
Organized Play kits will now also support only 10 players, which is different from previous storyline kits, which supported 20 players. Stores can also now choose to host their War of Light events using one War of Light booster and another HeroClix booster, or host their events using two War of Light boosters.
Booster bricks will be broken down into two sets--Wave One and Wave Two, which will each contain 48 figures to collect, for a total of 96 figures unique to the OP set.
The DC HeroClix: War of Light Storyline Organized Play 10 Ct. Booster Brick (Wave One) will be used in months one and two of the six month OP event that begins in June. Booster Bricks are not available for re-sale outside of stores’ War of Light OP events. Stores are limited to up to two Wave One 10 Ct. Bricks for each Month One Storyline OP Kit they order, and the same limit applies to the Month Two Storyline OP Kit. Month One release is May 28th, Month Two is June 25th.
The DC HeroClix: War of Light Storyline Organized Play 10 Ct. Booster Brick (Wave Two) arrangement will be similar to Wave One, but cover Month Three and Month Four. Month Three releases July 30th, and Month Four is August 27th.
The OP Kits are designed to support up to 10 players, and contain 4 Limited Edition competitive prize figures, 11 Limited Edition participation prize figures, 11 Limited Edition participation prize 3D special objects, 5 two-sided maps, and instruction sheets.
In Month Five and Six, stores can use any remaining inventory of DC HeroClix: War of Light 10 Ct. Booster Brick (Wave One or Wave Two), or if no product remains, stores can use any two HeroClix five-figure booster they like for their sealed event. Month Five will release September 24, and Month Six will release October 29th. The DC HeroClix: War of Light Month Six Organized Play Kit will contain two Grand Prize Limited Edition completive prize figures in addition to the contents of previous kits.
The Sinestro Corps War Scenario Packs will include two DC HeroClix figures unique to the product (Green Lantern and Sinestro), as well as 48 Horde Tokens, Dice with custom logos, two maps, the Green Lantern Ring 3D object, and the Shield Construct 3D object. All of the content included in this product is unique to the SKU and will not be found in the DC HeroClix: War of Light tournament set. The product is packed 16 units to a case, with a pack MSRP of $19.99.