The Beginner Game is a complete, standalone product that presents a great starting point for the Age of Rebellion RPG by essentially providing an abridged, easier-to-learn version of the game, which is presented in a more complete and comprehensive way in the The Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook (see "'Star Wars: Age of Rebellion'" for a description of the full game).
The Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game includes a scenario, "Takeover at Whisper Base" is a complete "learn-as-you go" adventure that teaches the fundamentals of the Age of Rebellion game while players are playing the game. The Beginner Game also includes pre-generated character folios that allow players to jump right into the fray. Each 8-page folio contains complete character background, quick reference guides for the game’s mechanics, and plenty of options for advancing the character during gameplay.
The Beginner’s Game also comes with custom dice that feature symbols for success, failure, and various complications printed directly on the dice. This allows for a rich tapestry of narrative possibilities and exciting gameplay.
The deluxe Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner’s Game box includes a 32-page adventure, a 48-page rulebook, 4 full color character folios, 1 full color double-sided map, 14 custom dice, 9 destiny tokens, 33 character tokens, and 7 vehicle tokens.